Additional Products

Bug Blaster
Treats Up To 5,300 Sq. Ft. Odor Free, Non Staining & Water Based Provides Up To 4 Months Control of invading pests.

Bifen I/T
Insecticide 4-oz
Bifen IT is a versatile product that can be mixed into a foam, injected into concrete slabs, or sprayed as a cracks and crevice treatment. Bifen IT is effective against some of the hardest to control insects, such as termites, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes and carpenter ants.

Fertilizer 50lb
General Purpose Fertilizer

Bifen I/T
Insecticide 1-pt
Bifen IT is a versatile product that can be mixed into a foam, injected into concrete slabs, or sprayed as a cracks and crevice treatment. Bifen IT is effective against some of the hardest to control insects, such as termites, cockroaches, fleas, mosquitoes and carpenter ants.

Scatter Box
This hand-held spreader is an all-purpose applicator for fertilizer, seed, granular insecticides, ice melts and fire ant baits. It is rust and corrosion resistant. The Scatter Box is lightweight and easy to use.

4' x 6'
Light Duty Tarp
Keep your car clean by putting down a tarp before loading the sod.

Boost is a controlled release nitrogen package that greens up grass quickly and continues to feed for up to six weeks. Boost works fast to enhance the color, density, and health of lawns. Boost delivers 70% slow release nitrogen and 30% immediately available nitrogen.

Bifen L/P
Insecticide 25lb
Bifen LP Granules is a ready-to-use insecticide that controls many types of insects like fleas, sod web worms, ticks, and fire ants. It is ideal to use on turfs and lawns around residential or commercial areas.

6" Sod Staples
500 Ct.
Sod staples are used for erosion control. They are used to hold the pieces of sod down on slopes to prevent the pieces from sliding. Sod staples can also be used to hold down irrigation pipes, electric pet fences, landscaping material and more.

Designed for sodding, sprigging and seeding, Grow helps to quickly establish roots via highly available phosphorus, potassium, and carbon. Grow benefits rooting, plant strength, and soil quality. Apply Grow to soil and plants at the time of installation with a follow-up application two weeks later for best results.

Lawn Hose End
Sprayer 20-gal
Lawn hose end sprayer for fertilizer, herbicides, and pesticides. Fits onto any hose end and delivers up to 20 gallons of finished spray. Works with all water soluble fertilizers and weed killers.

SedgeHammer+ is a post-emergent herbicide designed to kill off yellow and purple nutsedge without causing injury to turfgrass, established ornamentals, shrubs or trees while also providing control over many broadleaf weeds and suppressing kylingua.

Maintain is designed to provide enhanced color with iron and nitrogen. At the same time, Maintain fortifies plant and root zones with potassium, amino acids, and carbon for increased microbial activity and soil health.

Recover is a powerful nutrition package that delivers micronutrients such as iron along with a combination of the nitrogen and carbon needed to grow a healthy lawn during stressful conditions. Recover gives lawns the nutrients needed to fight through seasonal and environmental stress.

Winterizer & Weed
Provides up to 4 Months of Crabgrass Control Provides Nutrients for Beautiful Healthy Lawns. Covers up to 4,500 Sq. Ft. A late season application helps prepare the lawn for survival in the winter and a quick green-up in the spring.

Choose any 3 bottles of Lawnifi Fertilizer